STEPHEN MORRIS a has been trying out Transdev Blazefield’s new approach to interurban bus services and meets up with chief executive Alex Hornby

Technology is changing the face of public transport and one industry leader intent on ensuring he takes full advantage of the opportunities, rather than being fearful of it, is Transdev Blazefield chief executive officer Alex Hornby, one of the bright young things of the business.

While he appreciates that some technology can be gimmicky, he also recognises that riding with it is vital to the future of the bus business.

The Transdev Go app is one of the best in the business, with an easy-to-understand timetable function on which you can tap the name of a timetable point to get real-time information on it, and through which, like many others, you can buy your ticket. Farther down the line, Uber-style apps and driverless technology will have a massive impact on the shape of public transport, and speaking to the Omnibus Society in London in 2016 he made it clear that he was already preparing for the challenge.

Transdev’s recent initiative in interurban transport, Cityzap, embraces on-board technology: drivers have a Garman system in the bus, which Transdev calls …

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