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Buses 818 Lakes

It was good to see our area attractive liveried buses and hear of our great drivers in Paul Kirby’s piece in Buses May. I ran the buses here for the Ribble company in the mid 70s and have lived back in the Lakes for 15 years so know it quite well. We are very fortunate in having a pretty comprehensive bus network that has remained stable for many years. Changes are restricted as far as possible to the Summer and Winter periods, the former lasting from Easter to early November and publicised in excellent brochures. The one Paul was using won a bronze at the 2022 UK Bus Awards.

Whilst I agree with Paul, and certainly Cumbria Tourism would that there are many attractions other than the Lake District particularly on the coast, the hard fact is that most visitors want to be in the Lake District itself. This is covered by the Nationa…

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