Why Flowers advertised on Stratford Blue


Just a quick note regarding the comment in the Past & Present article on Stratford Blue in August Buses that ‘it appears that most of the fleet carried advertising for beer …’.

Flowers Brewery was in Stratford and Flowers became part of the Whitbread group, hence the Flowers and Whitbread advertisements seen on the vehicles on this page, and on most vehicles in the fleet. It was the local industry — similar to all those Northern General vehicles having ‘Shop at Binns’ on their fronts.

Dave Jessop, Coventry

WELL ACQUAINTED: Between 1954 and 1964, I was well acquainted with Stratford Blue Leyland Titan PD2s. My grandparents lived in a cottage in the village of Norton just 2miles to the north of Evesham. This was on the route taken by Stratford-upon-Avon Blue Motors, as it was called, between Stratford and Evesham.

The buses were well maintained and kept to a high standard of cleanliness. They were quite attractive, finished in blue and cream with a silver roof. They always advertised beer from Flowers Brewery in Stratford.

As a 13-year-old, I once had the opportunity to visit the garage and workshop in Warwick Road, Stratford. I was told ‘look but don’t touch anything’. The garage and worksho…

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