Time again for an annual treat


Title: Buses Yearbook 2020

Editor: Stewart J. Brown

Publisher: Key Publishing

ISBN: 978-1-912205-95-0

Specification: 240mm x 175mm, 130pp, hardback

Price: £17.99

The latest Buses Yearbook follows a well-established format that should provide something for followers of both the current and vintage bus scene.

Many readers will receive a copy for Christmas. In a nod to warmer and sunnier days, it takes us on a virtual holiday.

Mark Bailey hops from the Isles of Scilly to Shetland while David Jukes shares his impressions of a first visit to Blackpool in 2018. Mike Greenwood recalls the summer of 1974 when, on holiday in Bournemouth, he managed to capture Hants & Dorset’s transition from Tilling green to National Bus Company red, among other sights. Farther afield, Bob Hind shares the challenges of navigating Thailand’s buses.

Within the past 12 months, Canadianbased New Flyer International has acquired Alexander Dennis. Alan Millar looks at the history of what was the largest UK-owned bus manufacturer in the 15 years since it emerged from the ashes of TransBus International, with an overview of the companies that came together to make it.

Strachans is one of many coachbuilders that are no longer with …

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