With each issue of Buses, I’m reminded of the long history of the publication and how much it has meant to readers over the years. Regularly I receive correspondence referencing articles first published decades in the past, or from people who have been following the goings on in the bus industry for decades longer than I have been alive.

It’s approaching three years since I took over the editor's chair at Buses, and I continue to feel flattered to be trusted with management of a publication so precious to so many of you. This was made all the more clear this month, as the magazine celebrates 75 years of publication.

I’ve received so many letters from longtime readers about how they have enjoyed the magazine over the years, that I’ve dedicated this issue’s entire You Write section to it. I was delighted to see that some readers remain who have bought every single issue since the magazine’s launch as Buses Illustrated in 1949, and it has been fascinating to read how many of you first discovered the title and developed your interest in the industry.

The magazine has helped inspire youngsters to broaden their knowledge of the vehicles which have caught their eye, built friendships between fello…

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