JAMES DAY attends ITT Hub 2021, reporting on what was on show from the bus industry at the new transport exhibition

It feels like a lifetime ago that large conventions were held to showcase the latest developments in the bus industry, but with Covid-19 restrictions beginning to relax, ITT Hub held its first exhibition in Farnborough.

The line-up of bus industry exhibitors was extensive, no doubt aided by the second postponement of Euro Bus Expo which had been due to take place this November. The fact most of the event and its exhibitors were based outdoors was also in its favour.

As well as showing off their latest products, most of the representatives I spoke to were simply happy to be at an industry gathering at last, meeting colleagues and friends they have had few opportunities to see in flesh since the start of 2020.

What follows are some of the highlights from the first ever ITT Hub.

Alexander Dennis

An Enviro400ER (electric range hybrid) destined for the National Transport Authority in Ireland was one of several vehicles exhibited. The double-decker can travel up to 5km zero emission, utilising an onboard 32kW battery.

A high-spec Enviro400 was also shown. The vehicle, a Westway bus used for a pri…

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