We are a customer service business — everything we do should begin and end with making the experience for our customers as pleasant as possible


How it should be done: The friendly face of this D&G Bus driver backs up the ‘Welcome…’ message on the cab door of his Optare Solo as he prepares to put his Ticketer ticket machine into action. TICKETER

Recent research by passenger watchdog Transport Focus, exploring young people’s experiences of bus travel, has rightly attracted coverage within the bus industry.

This is a vitally important group for us to target. We know from previous studies that 16 to 29-year-olds are the fastest growing section of the market for bus travel, and environmentally aware, tech savvy teenagers no longer see learning to drive and owning their first car as an automatic rite of passage in the way that previous generations did.

Their message to bus companies is clear. Respect them for who they are and provide them with an offer that works for their lifestyle and sensitivities, and they are happy to jump on board.

But one of the key areas of concern for those surveyed was the attitude of bus drivers. They reported that all too frequently drivers were unfriendly or talke…

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