16 GUILDFORD Safeguard Coaches centenary event at Guildford Cathedral, 12:00-16:00. Vehicle display, family entertainment, sales stalls, food.

Transport links: Heritage bus services A from Friary bus station (stand 12 or 14), B from Park Barn Centre, C from Onslow park-&-ride. No parking at Cathedral.

Contacts: w w w.facebook.com/safeguardbuses1 or info@safeguardcoaches.co.uk

23 BARKING Centenary open day, Stagecoach London garage, 11:00-16:00, plus route 62/145 Running Day, 10:00-17:00 with RTs and Routemasters on routes 62 (Barking-Chadwell Heath) and 145 (Redbridge-Barking-Dagenham, Kent Avenue).

Contacts: w w w.londonbusmuseum.com/event/routes- 62-145-heritage-day 23 ALFRETON Midland Bus Kits Model Bus Show, 10:00-15:00, Genesis Entertainment Centre, 32- 46 King Street, DE55 7DQ. Admission £3 adult, £2 concession, under-16s free.

Contacts: w w w.midlandbuskits.co.uk, phone 07874 698918. 24 SWANSEA Bus Museum running day. Celebrates 60th anniversaries of South Wales Transport AEC Regent V 590 (423 HCY) and Western Welsh AEC Reliance/Harrington coach 147 (ABO 147B).

Contacts: See Museum Guide.

24 CRICH Tramway Village, Derbyshire. Model tram layout operating in Exhibition Hall, 10:00-17:00.

Contacts: See Museum Guide.

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