Transdev has produced a range of material, on and off its buses in Lancashire and Yorkshire, to help key workers and other essential users navigate their way around the restrictions and rapid timetable changes that are needed during the coronavirus pandemic

Transdev acted quickly to produce a range of publicity material for its Blazefield businesses in Yorkshire and Lancashire to help its reduced numbers of passengers — mainly key workers and essential travellers like shoppers — understand how the social distancing measures impact on their use of its buses and bus stations.

Its six-point safety advice to customers is displayed online, pushed out on social media to 55,600 followers and as flyers, posters and digital displays on buses. Where it has on-bus audio announcements, new recordings were made with the advice, so customers could hear as well as see it on the bus.

Asking customers to board the bus one at a time helped it ensure that customers are not too close together when boarding. It also provided more space for drivers, so they are only speaking to one customer at once and at a safe distance.

With a lower number of customers travelling, it was able to ask customers to sit 2m apart where possibl…

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