Heathrow Airport, which withdrew financial support for local buses last year (Look in on London January 2021), has now resumed funding for some services.

The airport operator is working with service providers and local authorities to promote and reintroduce some of the routes that were cut back. Its new Sustainable Travel Zone (STZ) is primarily designed to reduce single-occupancy car use by airport staff. Initial funding has been focussed on the 15 postcode areas around the airport where over a third of Heathrow's workforce live.

The STZ has five priorities: ensure existing public transport operates at the times required by staff, including services which arrive at the airport before 04:00 or depart after 23:30; improve active travel options; improve campus connectivity so airport employees can carry out their work easily and free of charge; provide discounted travel; and introduce new or improved services. This may result in some services being better than they were pre-Covid. The airport plans to continue to support further improvements where it represents good value for money and meets its objectives.

From late May additional short workings have been introduced onto route 555 …

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