Besides printed leaflets and displays at bus stops, operators of all sizes also need to use digital media to communicate with younger potential customers, says PB Bus Marketing, which is helping several medium sized independents build up their brand images while also conveying vital information.
These days, printed publicity — although still vital — is no longer enough. It is only part of the armoury that an operator requires to communicate effectively with its passengers and potential users.
The internet has opened up new ways of reaching a receptive audience, whether on a corporate website or by making effective use of social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. For many younger people, these are the only ways that they expect to get the information they require. And they expect to receive that information in a manner that they understand.
This is a trend that has helped prompt a change of approach by PB Bus Marketing, the family-owned publicity and marketing specialist agency based in Fair Oak, Hampshire, which has adopted Let’s Talk as a new brand name not only to encourage the small to medium-sized operators with which it works to talk to its experts, but also to persuade t…