The Confederation of Passenger Transport has produced a pair of challenging manifestos for the next government to meet, in order to best assist the bus and coach sectors. JAMES DAY reports time to grow and become sustainable in a from the organisation’s annual conference

With a UK general election expected this year, unless it is pushed back to the absolute latest possible date, topics at the Confederation of Passenger Transport (CPT) conference and annual dinner event leaned heavily on politics. Much of the discussion centred around what the priorities of the next government should be.

The CPT launched a pair of manifestos, one each for bus and coach, aimed at influencing the priorities of the next government.

Manifesto for buses

The bus manifesto put forward by the CPT called for partnership between central government, local government and the private sector. It claimed the strategy "maximises the value for money of public funding by leveraging private sector investment and creating a sustainable, virtuous cycle of growth".

The bus manifesto carries a six-point plan:

1. A five year funding settlement

A recurring issue since the Covid-19 pandemic has been long-term funding support. Repeatedly, Buses has…

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