Fylingdales, Farsley, Tommy’s and Borrowdale

Author: Stuart Emmett 

Publisher: Stenlake Publishing

  Price: £11.95

Title: The RCA-Serco/ RAF Fylingdales Contract Buses

  ISBN: 978-1-840338-87-4

  Specification: 175mm x 240mm,

48pp, softback

Title: Farsley Omnibus Company and Kippax & District Motor Co. Ltd

  ISBN: 978-1-840338-58-4

  Specification: 175mm x 240mm,

48pp, softback

Title: Tommy’s Bus, a.k.a. Burrows and Sons, Wombwell

  ISBN: 978-1-840338-93-5 

Specification: 175mm x 240mm,

56pp, softback

Title: The Keswick to

Borrowdale Bus

  ISBN: 978-1-840338-85-0

  Specification: 175mm x 240mm, 56pp, softback

 These four titles in Stenlake’s familiar landscape picture album format cover particular aspects of the past bus and coach scene in the north of England, three of them in Stuart Emmett’s native Yorkshire. Two of these describe parts of the Wallace Arnold business that lessened its dependence on seasonal coach holidays.

  The Fylingdales book lifts the lid on a fascinating operation partially hidden from public view and a piece of Cold War history. This radar station on the North York Moors to the north of Scarborough, nominally a Royal Air Force facility, opened in 1963 to provide the 4min warning of any hostile missile attack. For around a quarter cen…

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