Cambridge needs more than franchising

You write

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Further to Stephen Morris’s article on the future of bus services (October Buses), I am ambivalent about the merits of franchising. There can be advantages but a major factor is the attitude of the politicians and the direction they give their staff.

When it comes to Cambridge, is he suggesting that franchising is the answer? If so, I am afraid he is sadly mistaken. The Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority mayor has made noises about adopting franchising but its implementation in the current circumstances would, I fear, be an unmitigated disaster. Like so many of his ideas, there is talk but no action.

In July You Write, my letter questioned the likelihood of the Cambridgeshire Autonomous Metro (CAM) ever happening. Since then, the mayor has spoken of extending it to Alconbury Weald, a new development north of Huntingdon, without …

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