Title: Around the Glasgow Tramway System with Peter Mitchell

Authors: Hugh McAulay &Charlie Loarridge

Publisher: Adam Gordon

ISBN: 978-1-910654-37-8

Specification: 305mm x 210mm,228pp, hardback

Price: £42

The photography of the late Peter Mitchell will be familiar to many from recent books about Midland Red and the London Transport Country Area, most of it carefully composed with the vehicles shown in their operating environment.

This latest work covers the last 12 years of the huge municipal tram system in Glasgow, a city he visited ten times between June 1951 and its closure just over 60 years ago in September 1962, covering every route and taking over 1,000 black and white photographs before, during and after motorbuses and trolleybuses took over. There are over 400 of them, none published before.

He recorded not only the date each was taken, but the exact time, and noted the names of side streets to help pinpoint precise locations. All of which has assisted local authors Hugh McAulay and Charlie Loarridge in selecting the photographs and adding their knowledge and personal memories to the publication, which comes with a fold-out map based on one drawn by John Gillham.

While the tramcars — al…

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