Public Transport Scotland 2024 Buses

The CAVForth Autonomous Bus Trial

Steven Russell, Innovation Manager at Stagecoach UK Bus, provides an update on the progress of the CAVForth autonomous bus trial.

First Bus Scotland - Attracting the Youth Market

Carolyn Harper, Senior Marketing Manager at First Bus Scotland, details the company's award-winning campaign to attract young people to use Scotland's new under-22s bus pass.

Public Transport - The Rural Dimension

Neil Wallace of the Scottish Association for Public Transport discusses the challenges facing passengers in rural Scotland.

Public Transport Scotland: Campaign for Better Transport

Michael Solomon Williams, Campaigns Manager at Campaign for Better Transport, looks at the support, or lack of, that the bus industry receives in Scotland.

How and Where can Franchising Work?

Go-Ahead's Peter Robinson, who has experience with different operating models across Europe, shares his experience of where franchising is a good fit.

People Over Process: Customers, not Control

Alex Hornby, Managing Director of McGill's Buses Group, discusses the merits of different operating models, and states that the right people are more important.

Lothian - Getting it right for our people and our customers

Sarah Boyd, Managing Director of Lothian Buses, the primary operator in Public Transport Scotland 2024's host city, speaks about the operator's progress and its experience with Covid-19.

Systra - Partnering for Success

Neill Birch, Head of Projects at Systra, discusses partnerships between bus operators, local authorities and government.

Public Transport Scotland 2024, Buses: Opening Address

Fiona Hyslop, Scottish Transport Secretary, opens Public Transport Scotland 2024 as one of her first appearances since her promotion to the cabinet.