These are letters pages and the views expressed therein are purely the views of the writers; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the editor or publisher of BUSES

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Not a free market

I think the editor's introduction in last month's magazine described the weaponisation and politicking behind the London ULEZ debate in its correct context. The Uxbridge and Ruislip bye election result was by no means as cut and dried as some politicians would have us believe, the previous Mayor (Boris Johnson) started the process, and the DfT pressured TfL and the London Mayor to increase ULEZ, enlarge CAZ, and increase bus and tube fares, before granting more money for the Elizabeth line. So all this stuff about being the motorists friend is political hooey.

I note that comments in the letters page about the alleged folly of bus franchising or a return to municipal transport. The fact is there is not a free market in public transport, especially buses. Very few areas have competition and when there was competition f…

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