VW input in Ealing DRT trial

Two Volkswagen subsidiaries — MAN and ride-sharing company MOIA — are providing vehicles and technology for Transport for London’s second demand responsive transport (DRT) minibus trial in Ealing (Look in on London, July). Ealing has been chosen for the one-year trial because there are relatively high numbers of private vehicles in the borough — 40% of residents use cars — and TfL believes the service could encourage people to switch to a more sustainable way of travelling. Services will operate initially in Ealing, Greenford and Southall and may be extended to cover Acton and Park Royal. RATP London Sovereign will operate 10 new MAN TGE minibuses from sister company London United’s Fulwell garage. The booking app has been developed by Volkswagen’s technology and mobility company MOIA, which already provides ride-sharing services in Hanover and Hamburg. The lessons learnt from the two trials in Sutton and Ealing will help TfL to understand the benefits and viability of introducing an on-demand service in the long term.

Vehicles may never return to Hammersmith Bridge

Hammersmith Bridge may never be reopened to motor vehicles, as the estimated repair bill now nears £100million.

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