Vision for Heathrow

More routes and access for cars in airport’s surface transport plan

Buses feature in Heathrow Airport’s controversial plans to build a third runway. Central to them is a commitment to ensure that expansion does not increase road traffic to the airport.

It intends to work with Transport for London, local authorities and bus operators to develop a bus improvement plan this year. It recognises that services to areas outside Greater London are less extensive than those within London.

New and improved routes together with additional night buses are planned to encourage more airport workers to commute by bus. There will be new links to the south and west of the airport, together with enhanced frequencies on existing corridors. Some of these proposals would reverse cuts made in recent years.

Within London, the main focus is on increasing operating hours on services to and from Uxbridge, Hounslow and Kingston and the introduction of limited-stop services to Greenford, Richmond and Hounslow, although it is not clear whether these would form part of the TfL network or operate under London Service Permits.

It also sees a role for demand responsive travel for corridors that do not lend themselves to conventional bus services.

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