Satellite bus stations proposed for Cardiff

A passenger alights from a Cardiff Bus vehicle on St Mary Street. This is one of many stops scattered around the city centre which have replaced the interchange at Central bus station since 2015. RHODRI CLARK

Two satellite bus stations, known as hubs, could be built in Cardiff city centre because the much-delayed new Central bus station will not be able to accommodate all local bus services.

Cardiff Council closed the previous bus station, immediately adjacent to Cardiff Central railway station, in 2015 to make way for property development. Bus services were temporarily displaced to various stops in the city centre until the new bus station opened, expected in 2017. After many delays, the bus station is now largely built but cannot open until 2023, when the over-site development is completed.

Cardiff Bus, which is owned by Cardiff Council, has repeatedly pointed to the bus station’s absence and its deterrent effect on patronage as one of the factors in poor financial performance.

The new bus station’s footprint, on the ground floor of a tower block, will be much smaller than that of the previous bus s…

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