Wales intends to make 20mph the default urban speed limit to improve safety and the environment, but operators fear a further loss of passengers, increased operating costs and a proliferation of speed humps. RHODRI CLARK reports on the arguments.

It appears likely that 20mph will become the default urban speed limit in Wales, after three-quarters of Senedd members voted in support in July. Another vote is due to be taken on the legislation in October 2021, with the aim of implementing the change in April 2023. 

Councils would then replace most 30mph entry signs with 20mph ones. They would exempt specific roads by making a traffic order for each retained 30mph limit. The Welsh government would do the same on trunk roads in urban areas. Exemptions would have to take into account the functions of each section of road or street, both as corridors for movement and as places where people live and access amenities. 

The Welsh 20mph Task Force Group produced a report in July arguing that the move would rapidly achieve a reduction in traffic speeds in communities across Wales, ‘a highly cost-effective intervention’ to help the Cardiff government achieve several important policies. Benefits include reduce…

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