Routes that ran deep into rural Wharfedale

Title: Yorkshire Dales Buses

Author: Stuart Emmett

Publisher: Keybooks

ISBN: 978-1-80282-003-4

Speclcation: 245mm x 170mm, 96pp, softback

Price: £15.99

The West Yorkshire Road Car Company disappeared in the aftermath of the privatisation and deregulation revolution of the late 1980s.

Bought from the National Bus Company (NBC) by managers led by the managing director of East Yorkshire, it was broken up and sold on. The part that reached out into Skipton has become Transdev’s The Keighley Bus Company, but others provide what is left of the routes that stretched north into Upper Wharfedale and Wensleydale.

Stuart Emmett has compiled this attractive tribute to that lost world of bus operation for this, the eighth volume in the publisher’s Britain’s Buses series of picture albums, showing scenes from the 1950s to 1970s in colour and black and white photographs. There are far more black and whites and these are the best of these illustrations.

Many have come from The Bus Archive and are excellent depictions not merely of vehicles, but the open country and small communities they served, the agriculture and extractive industries that provided employment, the full loads the buses sometimes carried and the floo…

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