Many 2021 views from north of the border

Title: Scotland’s Buses – The Road to Net Zero

Author/ Publisher: Richard Walter

ISBN: 978-1-3999-1321-8

Specification: 250mm x 180mm, 116pp, hardback

Price: £22.50

The cover photograph of one of Lothian Buses’ four BYD/Alexander Dennis Enviro400EV City battery-electric double-deckers and the subsidiary title might have you believe that this book is specifically about the move to zeroemission vehicles. It is not, but a much wider pictorial account of Scottish bus and coach developments in 2021.

The “net zero” bit may have been chosen when the great global circus that was the United Nations Cop26 climate conference descended on Glasgow last autumn and electric buses formed a backdrop to the sound and fury of climate campaigners and grandstanding politicians grabbing their moment in the sun. Subsequent events, not least the war in Ukraine and the West’s urgent need to secure fossil fuel supplies untouched by Russia, have eclipsed Cop26 climate anxiety in the public psyche.

Richard Walter, an exceptionally prolific photographer, has drawn on his own and 16 other enthusiasts’ work to provide a flavour of what was new in Scotland last year, what changed and some of the uses to which vehicles were put, all …

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