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Iam prompted to write following your interesting article last month on the design of the new Plaxton Leopard low-entry interurban coach. I must own up to a bias, being of the opinion that the Wright Eclipse Commuter is the best dual purpose vehicle that the industry has come up with since the Alexander Y-type.
Indeed I was instrumental, when I worked at Dumfries & Galloway Council, in obtaining Scottish government funding through the Westrans regional transport partnership, for two new interurban vehicles to operate on the fully council-supported service 500 between Dumfries and Stranraer. This grant allowed Stagecoach to purchase the vehicles outright, with no company funding whatsoever.
After much research, the Eclipse Commuter was judged to be the best for the job, a 75mile trip with each making four or five single journeys a day. It was s…