Title: London Transport Central

Area Bus Termini Author: Mick Webber Publisher: Bowden Publishing ISBN: 978-1-8382445-3-8 Specification: 305mm x 215mm,

128pp, hardback Price: £30

Over 250 of the terminal points reached by London Transport’s red motorbuses are in this varied and informative black and white picture album covering 1947 to 1984 and depicting nothing newer than a Routemaster as the main subject.

These are presented in five sections: central London over the first ten pages, then successively the suburbs, local centres and villages of the south-east, north-east, north-west and south-west, each arranged in alphabetical order and all of which prove that there was no such thing as a typical terminus.

There were a few purpose-designed bus stations, while other routes ended on the forecourts of bus garages or Underground and British Railways stations. Many were simply stops in streets, with and without a layby, and several breaks were taken at stands on the ‘wrong’ side of the road, effectively barring passengers from boarding their open platform until they pulled up at a kerbside stop.

Most of the locations were essentially urban, but there were exceptions. A sequence of three pictures taken …

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