As this series comes to an end, the branding team at The MHD Partnership turns its creative attention to the streets of London with a suggested livery revamp that stays true to the iconic red that has identified the UK capital’s doubledeckers for over 100 years, but gives individual routes their own clear, colourful and unmistakable identity


Since the first Identity Parade feature appeared in November 2015 Buses, The MHD Partnership creative consultancy has indulged in a piece of imaginative fantasy each month by conceiving a new or updated brand identity for a bus company that is no longer around.

Besides having a bit of fun and pretending that history took a different course, this has been an opportunity for these branding experts to put across their serious message that bus travel needs to stand out as an attractive option in a busy world buzzing with the brands of a huge number of goods and services. For this final article in the series, the challenge was a little different. Not a defunct operator but the most recognisable and enduring of all British bus brands. The red London double-decker. Find a new way of re-packaging it, we suggested.

By chance, we had no sooner delivered th…

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