Title: Midland Red and its People

Author/ Ashley Wakelin publisher:

Specification: 228mm x 228mm, 168pp, hardback

ISBN: 978-1-7391593-3-7

Price: £35

Ashley Wakelin has followed up on his two previous books, Inside Midland Red and Midland Red Influence with this, another excellent book for those who have any interest in the then largest UK bus operator outside London which was founded 120 years ago this year.

Wakelin worked with ‘The Friendly Midland Red’ for many years and knows the company intimately. His style of writing is not hard on the eye and I found as I consumed its contents that the more I read, the more I wanted to read, the phrase ‘page turner’ is usually applied to books of fiction, but this is also a page turner.

I found myself reading late into the night to learn what happened next.

It is not a book giving a detailed history of the company, nor is it a book about its buses and coaches, it is not even an album of images, but does have elements of all these.

Any business relies for its success, above all, on the quality of its staff and their relationship with each other and the company’s customers. Midland Red was no different and this is one of the themes that he has explored.

One of t…

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