Lothian to electrify Edinburgh Bus Tours Volvo diesels

Eighteen of Edinburgh Bus Tours’ open-top Wright Gemini 3-bodied Volvo B5TL doubledeckers are to be repowered to batteryelectric by Kleanbus, in an initial step that leaves potential for an expanded programme of work later.

Kleanbus will fit a modular batteryelectric platform to the buses. While energy storage capacity has not been disclosed, it is described as optimised to the buses’ duty cycle without overburdening with unnecessary weight.

Lothian Buses group engineering director Colin Barnes says: “Repowering has a vital role to play in delivery of our Driving Net

Zero strategy, sitting alongside purchase of new battery-electric buses. Working with Kleanbus to upcycle current diesel buses to electric helps us accelerate our transition to a more environmentally friendly transport network at pace and accelerate our net-zero plan.”

The Kleanbus repower programme is designed to be environmentally friendly and provides a fast, affordable solution to electrify fleets. The company is committed to using British engineering expertise, locally sourced components and UK-based manufacturing. Its drivetrain has no rare earth elements, and…

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