A recently launched software product has allowed CT Plus to improve the clarity and accuracy of its roadside timetable displays in Guernsey and even accommodate some useful advertising


CT Plus Guernsey has upgraded the standard of its roadside timetable displays by installing OmniStopDesign software newly developed by Manchester-based Omnibus, which provides bespoke systems to enable large and small operators to timetable, schedule, staff, record, manage and publicise their services.

OmniStopDesign brings together the flexibility of desktop publishing and the data integrity of OmniTimes through the automatic inclusion of accurate timetable information, direct from the operator’s OmniTimes data. This ensures complete accuracy, with design and formatting fine-tuned to meet the operator’s exact requirements.

The key to this way of working is Omnibus’s user configurable template system, designed to offer users complete control over their displays. Automatic schematic maps can be added to any display with ease and services can be included, omitted or merged at stop level giving complete flexibility to deliver passenger information in the most appropriate format.

Using the built-in stop data…

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