Councils continue to pick up the pieces

Despite stretched budgets, some councils are still managing to replace commercial services which are no longer regarded as viable, alongside finding new operators for surrendered contracts.

Gloucestershire County Council has managed to replace around 70% of the journeys given up by Stagecoach West. Operators taking up the slack include Bennetts of Gloucester, Cotswold Green, Marchants and Newport Transport, which will provide cross-boundary routes from Chepstow. In some other locations, it is pointing customers towards community services, including the council's newly-introduced Robin demand responsive service.

The Big Lemon is taking on further contracts for the West of England Combined Authority (WECA). Three routes in Bath are being operated from the end of November, following a seven week gap without buses after First gave up the services, although a fourth has not been replaced.

The five month contract requires three buses and will cost £350,000. WECA has also paid £435,000 to restore community links lost when Bristol Community Transport shut down, many of which will also now be run by The Big Lemon.

The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority has contracted eight different operator…

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