Christmas competition highlights Citylink’s retur n to full ser vice


Scottish Citylink launched a festive customer competition centred around its new Christmas coach which entered service in early November.

The company has wrapped one of its coaches, a Plaxton Panorama-bodied Volvo B11RLE double-decker in the Park’s of Hamilton fleet, as a giant Christmas present and the vehicle was being used on service 900 (Edinburgh-Glasgow) for six weeks after the launch.

Prizes were being offered via a social media competition inviting people to photograph the coach and post it on the company’s Twitter or Facebook pages. The prizes included high street vouchers, Apple AirPods and Christmas hampers, and the competition was to run until December 20.

The competition marked Scottish Citylink’s return to pre-pandemic service levels following the Scottish government’s easing of coronavirus restrictions. It also was an opportunity to highlight that its coach services would run again throughout the festive season, including on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day, with the message “Santa works Christmas Day, so will we” displayed prominently on the rear of the coach.

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