It would appear that layers of some bus companies’ management still work on the assumption that their colleagues will rob them blind given half a chance


There is seemingly no end to the pace at which bus industry technology is advancing. Electric buses are poised to take to the roads of Harrogate, opportunity-charged range-extending hybrid double-deckers have reached London and Stagecoach has confirmed that it will take delivery of the first full-size driverless bus in the UK — for offroad trials — by the end of the year.

While this is indeed all exciting and impressive, it occurs against the background of continuing cuts in local authority support for non-commercial routes and a perception that parts of the industry could make a much better job of managing their staff. Or certainly that is a view aired by two contributors to our You Write letters columns this month.

The letter writers approach the subject from different backgrounds. One a leadership training professional who also works in the industry, the other a retired trades union official who maintains an interest in how things are done today.

There are, of course, many other points of view on the subject, but they both believe that when i…

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