1973 Bristol RELL6L, ECW B50F - OAE 954M

1973 Bristol RELL6L, ECW B50F - OAE 954M

Type of Vehicle - Bus

Year Built/Registered - 1973

Vehicle Description - Bristol RELL6L, ECW B50F

Reg No - OAE 954M    Fleet No - MH1332

Livery/Operator - Bristol Onmibus


Chassis Number:- RELL-3-1954
Body Number:- 20151.
Delivered to Bristol Omnibus, August 1973, carrying NBC Green with a white waistrail.
First registered October 8th 1973, according to the V5 Registration Document.
Allocated to Marlborough Street (MH) October 3rd 1973... (I wonder if that should be the 8th?).
MH unlicensed April 1st 1974.
MH July 1st 1974.
Central Repair Works (CRW) February 1st 1977.
MH February 11th 1977.
Transferred to Badgerline January 1st 1986.
Received Badgerline livery November 1986.
Badgervectis (Bournemouth, September 4th 1987) carrying local fleet number 60.
Back to MH October 1987.
Weston-super-Mare (WM) April 24th 1990.
Wells (WS) June 1990.
Weston-super-Mare (WM) April 1991.
WS September 22nd 1991.
Bath (BH) October 1993.
Withdrawn October 1993.
Sold to Phil Anslow Travel, Garndiffaith, Pontypool March 4th 1994.
Sold to Alan Peters (T/A Abus) February 25th 1998.
Sold to Mike Ede for preservation March 2019.
Sold to me for further preservation and restoration June 30th 2019.