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Bus drivers deserve more than train crews

I enjoyed reading Andy Rigby’s article on interurban interiors in April Buses. The interiors of many buses have improved, which is good for the passengers, although many will not appreciate it. Many seats and windows will soon be vandalised, as the drivers are powerless if they see anything going on.

Bus drivers are the last people to be considered in all these improvements. In Ipswich, and no doubt elsewhere, bus drivers are on similar pay rates to the local dustbin lorry drivers. Surely this cannot be right. It is an insult to the bus drivers and also the public if it realised it was thought of as no more important than rubbish.

I have driven buses in Essex, Suffolk and West Yorkshire. I enjoyed it most of the time. But as time went on, things got worse, with assaults on drivers from passengers and other general abuse.

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