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Universitybus origins

I have completed an interesting read about Universitybus in the April issue of Buses, and very good it was too. Thus my mind was cast back to the company’s origins during the early 1980s.

Living as I did in north west London I was able to witness the gradual growth of this small operation, to what it is nowadays with a modern fleet able to serve a large network of routes around South Hertfordshire and the outer suburbs of North London. During the early years it was run from Wall Hall in Aldenham under the Hatfield Polytechnic banner with an interesting and eclectic mix of new and secondhand vehicles, operated from a garage and outbuildings within the grounds of the country house.

One of the earliest buses used was a Dormobile-bodied Bedford VAS5 registered HNM 347Y (see attached), acquired during 1983 by the Education de…

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