AsI write this, it’s the last day of January, and what little of Sue Gray’s report into the ‘Partygate’ scandal can be released has finally been unveiled. The verdict is a ‘failure of leadership,’ and while I’m still hearing Boris Johnson and his cabinet say ‘wait for the outcome of the investigation’ – the police this time – it’s now surely a question of when, not if, he is forced out of office. I don’t believe the British public has ever been so united against a prime minister in my lifetime, and I find it astonishing he has not already resigned – assuming that hasn’t occurred by the time this issue reaches you.

I’m hearing regular reports of discussions taking place about the bus industry in parliament, something which was previously unheard of

My one concern about Johnson being ousted from number 10 is the bus industry. For all his faults, he is also the only prime minister in my lifetime who I honestly believe has taken the bus industry seriously. There are mixed opinions on his policies, such as his vendetta against articulated buses in London, whether the New Routemaster is an iconic bus or a vanity project, and whether the Bus Back Better strategy is likely to deliver, but…

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