What to see and learn on a capital bus ride

Title: London From the Top of a Bus

Author: Martin Collins

Publisher: Clink Street Publishing

ISBN: 978-1-913340-54-4

Specification: 205mm x 125mm, 390pp, paperback

Price: £12.99

The ability to explore parts of London that we might otherwise ignore from the vantage point of a top deck seat is something we have recognised in the London by Bus features in our annual London Bus bookazines. In those, Peter Rowlands follows inner London and suburban routes from end to end, describing in words and pictures the districts and landmarks that they pass, as well as they vehicles on which he has travelled.The ability to explore parts of London that we might otherwise ignore from the vantage point of a top deck seat is something we have recognised in the

This book does something similar within a much more compact area, the inner sections of four double-deck routes. It is about the London you can see from a bus and not about the buses themselves. Other than mentioning that traditional Routemasters occasionally operated on route 15 between Trafalgar Square and Tower Hill (when he was researching the book rather than now), Martin Collins confines his bus information to identifying the stops at which one should begin a journey.

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