When considering how to answer the challenge posed by ride hailing apps like Uber or Lyft — and the potential impact of driverless vehicles — the bus industry should heed the voices of the teenagers — over 1,000 of them — who took part in one of the latest research exercises by passengers’ watchdog Transport Focus.

These 14 to 19-year-olds represent the biggest single group using Britain’s buses today and they should be the adult customer base of tomorrow. This is possibly the first generation who will not regard it as essential that they soon — and forever afterwards — own a car. They probably cannot afford to, the process of passing a driving test has become more difficult and there are other things many of them would rather buy instead. But the industry dare not assume that their custom is guaranteed. They may use buses far more than their parents and grandparents do, but the survey shows that they also are the group least satisfied with the service they receive.

A little of that might be down to the impatience of youth, but a great deal of what dissatisfies them will also dissatisfy other age groups. Buses that run late, are overcrowded, fares options that are impossible to…

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