David Hall, CEO of Totalkare, explains to JAMES DAY how an expanding product line, long term service support and a new premises have resulted in strong growth figures coming out of the pandemic. All pictures: Totalkare

Totalkare is a workshop equipment distribution and service company best known for its commercial vehicle lifts. It has a long history, though it has been powering forwards in recent years. After opening a new warehouse and office facility in 2020, the company has dramatically expanded the range of equipment it offers, sourced from reputable sources all over the world.

The company’s origins can be traced to Somers Forge, a large forging company from Halesowen. The company moved invarious different directions, one of which was the development of a column lift 42 years ago. To support this, it created a materials handling division, from which the Somers brand was effectively born.

The ownership of that intellectual property and manufacturing moved between various hands, eventually ending up in France before a management buyout around 18 years ago. In 2004, the business was still based in Halesowen and 99% concentrated on column lifts.

As the business grew, it established a service …

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