Ticket availability causes confusion

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I empathise Track, December) with Phil and Stockley his difficulty (Inside in obtaining information about tickets.

I live in Herefordshire, which is served by two Stagecoach companies among others. One used to be able to buy a concessionary explorer ticket, which covered all Stagecoach routes, but while Stagecoach West serving eastern Herefordshire still issues this (£5.70) and one can travel on its buses and those of Stagecoach South Wales, the latter company scrapped it and replaced it with an All Zones ticket (£8.70) with no concessionary version.

After numerous emails, I eventually established that I could buy a concessionary network ticket for £6, but it is not valid on Stagecoach West buses. It finishes at Hereford, so I would have to pay another £5.70. I pointed out this incongruous situation to the commercial officer who promised that the…

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