Teens spell out their bus wants

Teenagers are the biggest users of Britain’s buses yet also are the least satisfied with the service on offer, says passengers’ watchdog Transport Focus. That is one of the highlights of the results, published in February, of 1,000 interviews with 14 to 19 year olds across Britain and of eight focus groups, split into 14-16 year olds and 17-19 year olds, in Leeds, Norwich, Solihull and the Essex commuter town of Shenfield. These sessions flagged up measures that it says the industry should adopt in order to retain young people as the adult bus users of tomorrow.

Chief executive Anthony Smith says teenagers’ priorities are similar to those of other age groups: improving value for money, punctuality and reliability. ‘The industry — bus operators, local authorities and government together — needs a relentless focus on delivering these basics. ‘Getting the essentials right, alongside a more effective and targeted approach to customer retention, will help build trust and loyalty to make using the bus a viable longterm proposition for young people.’

Although the research shows all age groups have similar priorities, it says the industry should communicate more directly with teenagers in a way that they wil…

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