Parksafe business development manager Nick Junor-Fitzpatrick tells STEVE BANNER about the company’s various products and services, along with upcoming developments, as it gears up to launch a bus and coach division

Long-renowned for supplying high-quality safety and security systems to van and truck fleets, Parksafe Group is increasingly making its presence felt in the bus and coach sector. Many of the products and services that it offers can benefit passenger transport fleets, it points out, especially when it comes to protecting drivers and vulnerable road users.

"As a consequence we've decided to set up a dedicated bus and coach division, which will receive its full launch in January," said business development manager, Nick Junor-Fitzpatrick. The Ripley, Derbyshire-based company has been talking to passenger transport operators for some time – including minibus operators – and is already supplying them with selected products that fulfil their needs.

Those products include telematics packages and onboard monitoring systems with up to a dozen or more internally- and externally-mounted 1080p highdefinition cameras, he explains.

Camera systems

The camera package includes an MDVR (Mobile Digital Video…

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