Design firm Mangopear believes bus operators should be doing more to pitch their services to tourists visiting their local area, as STEVE BANNER discovers

Anybody who doubts that Britain is a beautiful place that is best explored by bus could do worse than visit Southampton-based creative agency Mangopear’s Scenic Buses website. It showcases no less than 42 scenic routes with a further 44 awaiting publication.

“We’ll be adding well over 100 to the website during the next 12 months and possibly as many as 200 to 300,” said Mangopear founder and managing director, Andi North.

Now forming part of The Very Creative Fruit Bowl Company, which 29-year-old North set up in April, Mangopear’s roots go back to when he was just 15. “I was interested in building and designing websites and I initially did some work for charities,” he recalled. “Then it occurred to me that there might be money in it, so I began working for one or two bus operators.

“I’d always been interested in buses ever since my mum bought me a toy bus when I was a toddler,” he continued. “I grew up in Winchester and when I was old enough, I spent my weekends travelling around Hampshire on the bus.”

One of his early clients was Poole, Dorset-b…

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