SURREY County Council will continue funding the Leatherhead- Dorking section of route 465 (Kingston-Dorking) for the next five years.

THE ORIGINAL Amersham & District garage, new 1919, will be demolished. It was used as a car dealership for many years and outlasted its replacement, opened by London Transport in 1935, by nearly 20 years. Chiltern District Council has refused a planning application to build a retirement home on the site.

OVER 90% of London’s 17,365 bus stops are fully accessible, and those in Ealing, Hackney, Hammersmith & Fulham and Kingston boroughs have 100% accessibility. Former mayor Boris Johnson set a target for 95% to be accessible by the end of 2016.

A £1BILLION redevelopment of North Greenwich bus and tube station could be derailed by the Twentieth Century Society, which wants the current Norman Fosterdesigned structure to be listed.

HOPPER fare journeys had passed 40million by early February.