BRIAN KELLY discovers some impressive literature to encourage leisure travel. And he wonders why more operators and transport authorities do not make the most of promoting their scenic routes


Most bus companies and transport authorities offer a day ticket. Use it on any of our routes all throughout the day, they tell us. But many do not tell us where we can go for our money, which can be anything between £4 and £10.

On my recent travels, I came across two superb leaflets aimed at the leisure traveller — both titled Scenic Bus Routes in West Yorkshire. Each describes a tour around the county starting and ending in Leeds, a popular city break destination. They provide all the information you need as a novice passenger, allaying the fears even seasoned bus lovers (like me) have when in unfamiliar territory.

They describe the different types of day tickets in simple English, and how and where to buy them. Other sources of useful information, like the excellent Metro maps, are also referenced. To my knowledge, it is a unique collaboration by a transport authority (Metro) and local bus companies to produce such a marketing tool. Congratulations to them.

I followed Tour 1, which took me from …

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