Over the 65 years that Merthyr Tydfil had municipal buses, they carried a variety of quite different liveries, prompting The MHD Partnership to suggest a colourful combination of all of them for its imagined revival for this South Wales town


A trip to South Wales beckons this month as The MHD Partnership comes to the branding rescue of a rather confused Merthyr Tydfil Transport. A little research told the consultancy that previous incarnations of the company’s look showed off a succession of colour schemes — blue, orange/brown, orange/cream as well maroon — not helping the inhabitants of this South Wales industrial town a great deal. This was a town, like many, where electric trams preceded the arrival of buses, but the Merthyr Tydfil Passenger Transport Department never ran the trams throughout their existence from 1901 to 1939. They were the preserve of the Merthyr Electric Traction & Lighting Company, a subsidiary of BET. The trams were green and cream for most of that time, but the corporation buses, introduced from 1924, were maroon and cream and so the livery remained, with more cream latterly, until the new Merthyr Tydfil Borough Council brighte…

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