NCT managing director Mark Fowles retires

Mark Fowles, NCT Managing Director, with his retirement hamper
Mark Fowles’ retirement hamper included a bus themed cake and 27 bottles of alcohol - one for each year of service

Following 27 years of service with the Nottingham City Transport (NCT), Mark Fowles has retired as managing director.

Fowles joined NCT as deputy managing director in June 1994, with an initial remit to ensure NCT participated in the operation of the proposed light rail system for Greater Nottingham. He took over as managing director of NCT in 2001 and following the successful bid. He also assumed the role of Chairman of the Arrow Consortium, which re-introduced trams to Nottingham in March 2004.

During his time at the helm, NCT has won the UK Bus Operator of the Year title five times, most recently in 2019, and has consistently ranked amongst the top performing operators in the country in passenger satisfaction, scoring 95% in 2019’s Transport Focus passenger survey.

Alongside NCT Fowles has been actively involved with many industry bodies, working to promote the use of public transport and lobbying the Government to support the sector.

Fowles said: “It has been a great privilege and honour to serve as managing director of NCT. I am proud of the company’s achievements during my 20 years as managing director, which has turned NCT into an award winning, pioneering bus company that is highly regarded locally and nationally. 

“I’d like to thank employees, past and present, along with friends throughout the bus industry for their support. I will always treasure my time at NCT.”