ALAN MILLAR pays tribute to IAIN MacGREGOR, the prolific photographer and second writer of this magazine’s Scottish Column, who died on April 20 aged 80 and made an incalculable contribution to vehicle record keeping and preservation over six decades

Although short in height, Iain MacGregor was a towering figure of bus enthusiasm, a giver and sharer who for over 60 years helped lead enthusiast societies, enhance our knowledge and enrich our interest through his photography, recording of fleet developments and involvement in preservation. He lived and worked in the west of Scotland, but was keenly interest in developments farther afield, visiting most parts of the British Isles and from the 1980s ventured abroad regularly, always with a camera and a sharp eye for rare and interesting vehicles. His colour pictures from 1960 to 1999 have been the cornerstone of our Past & Present page since its inception in June 2019 and will continue to be, providing historical context for scenes from today.

Many have also illustrated longer articles in Buses and associated publications and have featured in books over the past 40 years. His name first came to readers’ attention in t…

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