Longer term horizon for new Government funding

Transport Secretary Mark Harper has fulfilled the hint he gave to the House of Commons Transport Committee during April (Buses last month) of providing a longer-term funding settlement for bus operators and Local Transport Authorities (LTAs) in England.

Including money for the Bus Fare Cap Grant, £500m is to be provided, split into a number of pots, the longest of which will apply until April 2025.

Sixty three LTAs are receiving a share of an £80m Bus Service Improvement Plan Plus (BSIP+) fund during 2023-24, with the potential for a similar amount to follow in 2024-25. On average, each will receive a settlement of £1.3m this year, with the actual amounts roughly determined on a basis reflecting population, deprivation and car ownership.

They vary from £239,000 for West Berkshire Council (one of 18 LTAs that receive a top-up to their original BSIP allocation) to £4.9m for Essex County Council. Fourteen other BSIPs, all originally valued at over £16m, are not included in the new settlement.

Although the full rules determining what BSIP+ can be used for had not been disclosed as Buses went to press, Department for Transport officials had indicated that it would be a lot looser than for the original B…

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