PAT RUSSELL found himself in Sydney when there was a major revision of bus, train and ferry

By coincidence, I was in Sydney on a weekend of major change to the Australian city’s transport network, so I persuaded my wife that we just had to experience it.

And it was impressive. Leading up to 26 November, articles in newspapers heralded the changes, urging commuters to consult the website and trumpeting the extra 9,000 bus, train and ferry services per week. The Sunday evening Sky TV news programme covered the story.

The website of Transport NSW referred to the changes comprehensively on almost every page, and there were videos (also available on YouTube) showing the new routes being mapped out before your eyes.

On the Sunday afternoon, we visited the information office at Circular Quay, whence all the ferries depart, to get a new ferry timetable leaflet. ‘Won’t have any until tomorrow,’ apologised the assistant, but he offered to print one out.

True to his word by 10.00 on Monday I was the proud owner of a new leaflet. At this time, Circular Quay was not only busy with tourists and late commuters, but also many transport staff in purple tee-shirts were mingling, offering help and advice about the changes.

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